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Every story matters

Share your experience of the pandemic to inform the UK Covid-19 Inquiry at everystorymatters.co.uk.

The Pandemic. Our experiences deserve to be heard.
Help shape the independent UK Covid-19 Inquiry by sharing your story.

The pandemic affected every single person in the UK and had an especially big impact on communities like ours. This is your opportunity to share the impact it had on you. Your story can help to inform the Inquiry’s investigations and give you the chance to share what you think could be learned, what could have been done better, or differently, or if something was done well.

What is the UK Covid-19 Inquiry?

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry is the public inquiry set up to examine the UK’s response to and impact of the pandemic. The Inquiry is independent from the government and is completely impartial.

It is inviting the UK public to share their experiences of the pandemic, launching ‘Every Story Matters’ as an opportunity for everyone who wishes to, to be able to contribute their story to the Inquiry

Why should I share my experience with the Inquiry?

The Inquiry wants to hear from as many people as possible, from different communities across the UK, and especially those most significantly impacted, like ours.

We know some experiences are painful to talk about, and sometimes it’s difficult thinking back, but the Inquiry needs to hear from our community. Your unique and individual experience is valuable, more so than you might think, as it will help the Inquiry to understand the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on communities like ours.

How can I share my experience?

By searching ‘Every Story Matters’, or using the following link: everystorymatters.co.uk  you will be taken to a short online form that allows you to submit your experience of the pandemic.

Stories will be collated, analysed and turned into themed reports, which will be submitted into each relevant investigation as evidence. The reports will be anonymised.


Help is available if you need it. Sharing your experience may trigger some difficult feelings and emotions. If you need help please see a list of support services: everystorymatters.co.uk.

X: @covidinquiryuk
LinkedIn: @uk-covid-19-inquiry
Instagram: @ukcovid19inquiry

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